Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yes, Yes I Know

Yes, yes I know, second post of the day. But I have a good excuse. You see, I never got to review SitS (Sword in the Stars). I think I should, since it was an epic book... Ok, so here's what I thought of it.

Sword in the Stars was a marvelous and intriguing book. Alistair, a man with a dark past, has a future full of adventure waiting for him.
I really liked the book, all in all, but the romance isn't the best. But WTB did a really good job on this! I totally loved the story, and especially Alistair. The characters were developed well, and the writing quality was good. Of course, there were a few typo mistakes and such, but that's all. I highly recommend this to you-- if you're interested and haven't read it already. I know many of my followers already have.

Ok, so, That is what I think of SitS! Enjoy.

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